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Bring Hope to Ana, Joe, & Mia

November 1, 2019

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

— Desmond Tutu

We see you. We wish you light and healing in a time filled with darkness and conflict.

We see Ana, Joe, and Mia, too. With your help, we can bring light and refuge to their darkness. We can remind them that they are seen, even powerful. They are refugees, they are veterans, they are students. They are all of us.

This holiday season, what more powerful gift can you give than hope?

“When I come here, I don’t feel like I’m in the camp. It’s a totally different place that only belongs to the music, to life, to comfort.” Ana has lived at Skaramagas Refugee Camp for most of her young life. She and the 1,000+ kids there should not have to pause their childhoods while they wait for home. The Sing for Hope Pianos at Skaramagas have an illuminating effect, causing refugee children to spend longer in community rooms and in community. Your support gives refugee children like Ana space—right away—for creativity, safety, and hope. “It’s hard for me to make sense of my past and put it into words, but I'm starting to be able to draw it.” Joe is a Vietnam War veteran who lives at James J. Peters VA Medical Center in the Bronx. He mostly keeps to himself. It just feels easier, since Joe has trouble talking about himself or his history. It doesn’t have to be this way: Joe deserves community, and arts-based tools have been proven to aid in memory recall. With your support, SFH workshop leaders help veterans like Joe recover and reclaim their memories through art. “Grown-ups often ask me what I want to be when I grow up. Why do they never ask me what I want to be NOW?” Sing for Hope’s education programs empower students like Mia in public schools to be Citizen Artists: change agents, even as they’re still children, who can use the arts to be leaders in their schools and communities. Your support gives kids like Mia the confidence and creative tools they need to make a difference.