Artist Statement: This design reflects its surrounding environment: Little Island’s swirling warm and cool breeze, Hudson River’s undulating movement below, and New York City’s many stacked layers of elevation (both literally and figuratively). An abstract convergence of energy that suggests all the natural elements (air, water, earth, and fire) as it collides with urban urgency. The fragmented bits of sharp topographic lines and rippling swathes of color create a buzzing sense of perpetual movement, while simultaneously feeling calm and organic. Organized, peaceful, and hectic all at once, the design fits the overall mood of both Little Island as well as the creative process of making music.
Born and raised in Reading, Pennsylvania, Julia Cocuzza is a painter, muralist, designer, and educator based in Brooklyn, New York. Her paintings capture the loaded intersections, layers, and fragments of daily living with a particular affection for urban structures, natural systems, music, obsolete media, social collisions, and human connection. Her priority is public art, specializing in community murals. Through organizations like Groundswell Community Mural Project, Sing For Hope, NYC Mural Art Project, ArtBridge, and Mural Arts Philadelphia, she has collaborated with communities of all ages and circumstances. She has a Bachelor of Fine Art from Syracuse University and Master of Fine Art from Brooklyn College, City University of New York.
$25 helps us transport a Sing for Hope Piano to a local community center, bringing music and joy to those who need it most.
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