Artist Statement: My design is inspired on my "Butterfly Oasis" that blends colors and texture into a kaleidoscopic of striking, vivid images, where people can interpret their hopeful messages in light of their own experience.
"Marisabel Bazan is a Panamanian artist living and working in Los Angeles, known for her colorful organic artwork and public commissions. A cross-disciplinary artist, Bazan employs painting, mixed-media, sculpture, video and interactive art to create bold, expressionist works, reflecting on topics and themes including mental-health, metamorphosis and the human spirit, and inspired by her urban community. She has repeatedly explored the butterfly motif as a widely recognized and accessible symbol reflecting this concept within our culture. Bazan is known for her humanitarian partnerships, which has included the seven-foot-tall butterfly sculpture Ananda, commissioned to support the 2016 HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Zero Discrimination Campaign from the United Nations and her Vida mural addressing the topic of homelessness, curated by the Lancaster Museum of Art & History in Lancaster, California. Bazan’s work is driven by a catalyst to inspire others to attain their highest potential."
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