Artist Statement: My Concept are California Humming Birds a symbol of Peace connecting our Community to Nature and Wildlife. Piano Front: Beautiful Ruby Red Humming Birds is flying and spreading his wings over above to the top of the piano with a bright lime yellow green background surrounded by bright orange flowers on the bottom and front side. The Flowers will be painted with my Fingers with a impressionistic style.Back of the Piano: Humming Bird in flight on a bright pink gold abstract Background which wraps around to the Piano Right side. Piano left side: A Hummingbird spreading his wings across the left side of the Piano with a beautiful Cali blue Sky background.
"Born in Switzerland, self-taught artist ""Fine Art by Fournier"" is best known for her beautiful California Hummingbirds and wildlife art and large scale 3-D textured oil paintings. Her use of brush and knife work combined with her eye for color allows her to express the inner beauty of fine art that draw her viewers into her creations. Mireille feels blessed to be able to do what she loves and is able to share her art work in exhibitions and private collections throughout the US and abroad.
$25 helps us transport a Sing for Hope Piano to a local community center, bringing music and joy to those who need it most.
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