Artist Statement: I’m hoping this piano will attract your eye and encourage you to play a song. It is covered with thousands of colored buttons. Touch, see and become aware of how our pollinators are essential. Bee inspired to become a part of all that music and art can offer.
Texture, color, and a trick of the eye drive my creativity. When someone can look at my art, tilt their head and smile, then I am happy. I live in rural central Massachusetts and display my art throughout the state. Mosaics are my passion, finding different ways to express myself through unconventional mediums allow me to explore the mosaic template. I’ve been following Sing for Hope Pianos for years. It’s a beautiful, emotional, uplifting project. I’m so thrilled to be a part of it. A genuine heartfelt thank you to all who give and receive from this project.
$25 helps us transport a Sing for Hope Piano to a local community center, bringing music and joy to those who need it most.
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