Artist Statement: Bumblebee ...pause. I bet your first reaction was a reflection of a childhood fear, perhaps, you've been stung by one or heard stories. Well, I chose my theme based on my new found admiration for bees... Let me tell you why I personally don't see bees as a threat and you never know, this might just change your views as well. For one, bees have a amazing skill that a lot of us human beings lack, the ability and force to work together for a greater cause. For one how would we ever live with out that great tasting honey... I mean really tea would never be the same lol. Also bees are our saving grace when it comes to a lot of our foods( specifically plants). So to all those who live on a plant based diet, now would be a good time to say thank you. Let's just for one minute think about how different the world would be if we shared the same work ethic as the bee. Really coming together and working for a greater cause, such as sing for hope. So let's not just stop here. Smile at someone today, offer your hand to the old lady carrying groceries, let's mentor our youth and really spread the one thing that we all needs... Love!
Inspired by natures beauty, Shammia uses natural design along with her surrealistic style to illustrate how she perceives the world. This North Carolina native is heavily influenced by surrealism and the natural world around her. She enjoys working with different mediums, always trying to incorporating some form of natural elements whether it be material or inspirational. This unique style can be seen throughout her jewelry, paintings, and sculptures.
$25 helps us transport a Sing for Hope Piano to a local community center, bringing music and joy to those who need it most.
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