Artist Statement:
Nicolina Johnson, the free art society new york Nicolina maintains a home-base in New York City's East Village and travels often, spreading her art around world. She specializes in guerrilla street art, vibrant murals, collaborative painting projects and interactive performance-art spectacles. Hearts of the World, her ongoing international art project, brings art to underprivileged children who might not otherwise have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. She is a artist in residence at the L.E.S Girls Club of Manhattan and also the founder of the Free Art Society, an East Village based arts organization in New York City that explores the degree to which art in public spaces can transform the community. Perola Bonfanti, the free art society new york artist Pérola Bonfanti, born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, creates projects around the world that bring art to public spaces and connects the community. She specializes in murals, installations, urban interventions and multi-media collaborations. She is working on developing experiments involving technology, virtual and extended reality along with relational aesthetics. Pérola is currently collaborating with the L.E.S Girls Club of Manhattan, has served as assistant professor in the E.A.V - Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage in Brazil and is the co-director of the open international collective, The Free Art Society.