Artist Statement: She chose to put forward this face of a smiling woman, confident in the future, ready to assume her individual and collective responsibility within an urban and innovative universe. This lively and colorful painting brings the joy of strength, positive energy, and hope to all the people who will cross its path.
Lady Jday is a committed artist who, through her painting and her performances in Street Art, contributes to the recognition of women and their multiple talents. Her colorful and lively work, with expressive features, testifies to her ability to feel and relay their emotions. Lady Jday follows in the footsteps of the Guerilla Girls, who promote the place of women and people of color in the arts as well as Street Art artists. Young French artist, Lady Jday has already been exhibited several times in Paris, Los Angeles, and New York. She has participated in international performances of Street Art in Paris, Dubai, London and San Francisco. In November 2015, she was awarded at the international competition #womenclimatejustice in New York in the framework of the COP 21.
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